Meghan and Mike were married on May 10th at Bentley’s on 27 with French inspired cuisine and amazing skyline views of uptown Charlotte! It was a beautiful wedding, including fun details like mini heart and s’mores pies. A wedding day tradition for Megan’s family is to sing “The Callahan Song” as an initiation for introduction of the new family member! Mike jumped right in to the song at the wedding, as though it was already old hat for him to be included as part of the Callahan tribe.
Family and Friends are very important in this circle. I have had the pleasure over the years to have photographed many of Meghan’s friends and family member’s weddings and other life events. It was so much fun to see and re-connect with many of these couples at Meghan and Mike’s wedding! In May of 2015 I look forward to photographing the wedding of more friends, Rebecca and Mike! They attended Meghan and Mike’s wedding, as well as several other weddings that I have photographed. Both Mikes actually have the same last name of Walsh, fun! Thank you all for the referrals, it is honestly such an honor to be included and trusted to capture all of these precious memories!
As something fun and different, I would like to share Meghan’s words about how she and Mike met and a letter they gave their families upon returning from their romantic and spontaneous engagement in France! Photos of the wedding day follow the letter.
On Monday I returned to my flat from work. I was rushing around to get off to dinner and spend our last night together in Antwerp. Michael asked me to chill out. I sat down, he said a few words and handed me a little box. An engagement gift that will have matching accessories in the future. The only thing I wanted from Antwerp… diamond earrings!
We have a lot of priorities in our lives (like Michael finishing school and me returning to the States!) and decided we are not rushing to the alter. We have done this engagement our way and in no form the norm. I foresee the wedding and our future to be the same!
We wish we could share this news to you while we are together. But for the next 2 months…we will struggle to find a time when we are both awake and not at work to Skype each other! And we couldn’t imagine keeping this a secret till the new year. We hope you understand, an email was the best solution to share this news and the announcement of our engagement! Cheers! -Meghan & Mike
Images copyright 2014 Katie Klein Photography, by Katie Klein and Wendy Weeks